Grades& Tests, Quizzes, Assignments



Grade scale


B = 85 – 92

C = 75 – 84

D = 67 – 74

F = 66 or less

A shows that you have completed all of the assignments at an excellent level and that you have demonstrated a sophisticated understanding of the topic. Your analysis and oral and written expression are clear, cogent, and indicate an understanding of the interconnectedness of historical events and ideas.

B  indicates that you have done an above average job on most or all of the assignments. The requirements were met and, in addition, you demonstrated creativity and attention to detail. However, your work does not demonstrate an exceptional understanding of the topic. Your analysis and oral and written expression are clear, cogent, and indicate an understanding of historical events and ideas, but there is focus on factual reporting as opposed to synthesis or analysis.

C indicates that you have done an average job on all or most of your assignments (or that you are missing a major assignment). Your oral and written expression are clear, cogent, and indicate an understanding of historical events and ideas, but there is focus on factual reporting as opposed to synthesis or analysis. Your analysis and synthesis are probably weak (essentially, you cannot answer “why” or “how” but you can answer “what”).

D indicates that you have done a below average job on most of your assignments or that you have not completed a number of assignments. A grade of D shows a below average understanding of the topic.

F indicates that you have failed and have little or no understanding of the topic. F is usually gotten when a student shows little interest in passing. There is no reason to fail this class. You will be given multiple chances to make up or retake assignments.

How will We be graded


1. Tests(larger assessments that come near the end of units); 50-100 questions

2. Quizzes (shorter and not worth as many points. But still important because quizzes are given more frequently than tests)

3. Daily Class Work- This is very important because this work will help strength your grade if you don’t perform well on the tests.

4. Special Projects & Group Work

5. Participation. 10 points. You will receive a grade for Bellringers & Notes. You will not receive this grade if you are talking or not participating. Bonus points awarded for extra participation

6.Extra credit projects: Special Projects, Book Report, Stump the Heroes & Villains of History: Research a important person that is found within a current unit. 3 written pages & a mini poster. 100 points. Review a historical movie. 3 written pages & a mini poster. 100 points.

7.Essay/Constructed response test. Essay topic will be given ahead of time. There will be at least 1 essay test during the semester

Late Work

If you miss a class you can find everything you missed on the website so there is no excuse for not turning in any work the next day. (If this class does not meet the next day then drop any work off to me personally.)

Any work 2 days late will lose 10% and afterwards it will lose 25% and then after 2 weeks your late work will be worth 50%


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